Bright Light Studios: Jennifer and Ossama’s Wedding
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Written By Sameh Abdallah

Jennifer and Ossama pose for photos at their wedding venue “The Valley Regency”
Jennifer is the epitome of a “Chill bride”! Rain in the forecast? Eh! No big deal we’ll figure it out! Running late? Cool, we’ll make it up somewhere else! That was how the day went with Jennifer & Ossama! Nothing, but pure happiness and just loving every moment of the day! This couple was just a PURE JOY to work with and we could not possibly be any happier for the both of them and their future together with many…many…MANY cats! We hope you love your photos as much as we do!
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Sameh Abdallah
Bright Light Studios is a “Luxury wedding photography company” based in New Jersey that specializes in high-end wedding photography and cinematography.